Perhaps I need a nose ring like this ........ it may be easier! |
Tuesday: So the theme of this week's blog my friends is ......... Music. Hence the title. Extra house points from anyone who recognises the song .......
Do you remember all those years ago when this adventure aka my new life started and I compiled a list of what I would and would not accept for my future? Well one of them was I want to be adored, not necessary loved, just adored will do! The line 'holy cow I love your eyes' is from one of my favourite songs ever from one of my favourite bands - Elbow! As many of you know I am a sucker for a good accent and the lovely Guy Garvey (lead singer of Elbow) has the most amazing voice and really should be madly in love with me by now, especially as he too is single. But as usual in my life, he just doesn't realise it yet. Anyway, I was saying to Andy over the weekend, who I must add at this point is still suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder when he hears this song as it reminds him of our trip to Amsterdam and the world's worse hangover. This song was my alarm on my phone that fateful weekend. Anyway, moving on, in my desire to be adored I would love a bloke to say to me .... 'holy cow I love your eyes'. However, on reflection, I have decided that the nearest I am ever likely to hear is something along the lines of - 'you stupid cow, you forgot the fries!'
This little scenario, which like all the others, took place in my head, then got me thinking about music in general. I think if may because of my recent 'success' as learning how to mix Jungle Drum and Bass as my new persona of Fat Girl Slim or one could argue Slim Girl Fat, in a flat in Dulwich - oh that is such a funny tale. All I am going to say is, to protect the identity of the not so innocent, that I left said flat early the next morning after consuming far too much gin and very little tonic. The door opened and the sun was blinding; I was like Patsy out of Ab Fab as a scurried to the Tesco next door to buy carbs! I started to eat an egg sandwich (my favourite) on the bus home then felt quite ill. When I got home, sneaking past the flat downstairs so Vera did not hear me come in, as she saw me go out the previous night ....... I mean, how old am I? Andy had made me a cup of tea but to be honest I couldn't face it. I fell asleep, across my bed, on my tummy with my arms stretched out over my head lol! So, so bad but it was fun and I had a 'super cool' evening. Because apparently I am just 'super cool' - of course I am lol. I will smile forever now when I hear some Drum and Bass - happy days, happy days.
So when I left Stoke I compiled a playlist on my iPod of songs that for various reasons were personal to me; not all of them as I don't have every track on my iPod. When I left the cottage for the last time I put this playlist on and sobbed and sobbed - good therapy eh? Some of you would be surprised of some of the songs on there. Anyone want to make a guess? There really is a mixture: Mozart, Coldpay, U2, ACDC ....................
Years ago when I was working at Home-Start I had a family say to me 'what music have you got on your iPod'. She was not the brightest star in the sky bless her but I explained to her that I had everything from Mozart to Eminem - if I like it, I listen to it. Her response was priceless 'Oh Mozart. He hasn't had anything new out for ages has he?' Sad but oh so true. I believe that you are only as old as your playlist!
I can't imagine my life without music. Some of the lyrics are, to me, like modern day poetry. You can hear a couple of lines in a song that so connect with your life, it is as if the writer has you totally in mind - as in 'holy cow I love your eyes'. So what are the song tracks to your life? Those of you who have read my travel blogs will know that music is a theme than has also run through them. So speak to me - tell me the soundtrack to your life!
Wednesday: So it is now Wednesday, what happened there. I really do not know where I am going to fit work in! No sign of the DBS yet ..................... Sigh. I would go busking if I could sing but as many of you know: I think I can sing ... but I can't but that does not stop me from belting out a tune or two in the shower. So today has been super exciting! Topsy and Tim aka Andy and Karen have been to the dentist. Andy had to have two wisdom teeth removed; one either side. So off we trot to the bus stop and go to Forest Hill which in London travel - miles away almost countryside! Poor little soul was kept waiting but when it was time to go he asked if I could go with him and they said yes! How great is that! I tell you, I have never moved so quick in my life. My glasses were off, booked closed, grabbed my handbag and I was up those stairs like a greyhound out of a trap before they could change their mind.
OK it was not on the bucket list to see teeth removed but it was great.
I had to sit outside but the door was open and I could see it all. He had loads of injections to numb the pain then before I knew it, the first tooth was out. It was amazing, so quick. The dentist put some stitches in then I paid more attention to the next one. That took a bit longer. I thought, in my niavety or the fact that I am many things but not a fully qualified dentist, that they actually pulled the tooth out. But they don't. He had like a great big screwdriver thing and just popped it out by prising it out! Amazing. Anyway, we are home now. I am the designated nurse, God help me and him, no uniform for me though lol. So I have given him some of my painkillers from my Dignitas cupboard and he is now sleeping.
The Dignitas cabinet is full of lovely meds so when I go totally insane, or the end is neigh and the NHS has gone and I can't afford a one ticket to Switzerland (again, really!) I can put myself out of my own misery! Those of you who read my blog from Cambodia ( will recall that I come home with 36 Diazepam tablets, 10mg each that cost me around £1.90 Coupled with the 12 Diazepam 2mg tablets my Doctor gave me before I left to travel and all the co-codamol and slow release ibuprofen other people gave me is enough to re-enact with Andy, the Dot and Ethel scene from Eastenders. Copious amounts of Class A painkillers and gin then goodnight Vienna, exit stage right, probably with sound track of my life playing on my iPod. But fear not my friends, that is a long, long, long way off yet as this woman has far too much living to enjoy!
NEWS FLASH - Remember the email, the Chardonnay fuelled rant from the weekend? Phew all OK. In fact, I think, under the circumstances, I got off quite lightly! Note to self: never go to bed when 'tipsy' with communication gadgets ...................
Thursday: Andy looks like a hamster, bless! DBS check is almost completed - yay! Another sunny day in London. My new job title is to be Enhanced Service Delivery Manager (give someone a fancy job title you don't have to pay them much!). Anyway, it is abbreviated as, and this is where it makes me chuckle ...... ESDM. Think about it. I can hear the clogs grinding. I will give you a hint. How many of you remember my lovely painting that Emma and Jason gave me - Gimp Duck lol. I just know I am going to get this in a muddle, I can hear myself .... I mean can't you. Only I could secure a job under the heading ESDM. It is like fifty shades of rainbow. The reason how this come to light was because once again, from his sick chair, Andy and I were watching Sex and the City and there was an episode including BDSM - no, no, no not my new job, keep up! We did chuckle as we watched it when we realised just one letter E/B, B/E ............ it is a car crash waiting to happen.
Friday: So another week has flown by. I really do not know where the time goes. I have now been in London 11 weeks and it seems like I have always been here. Hopefully, I will be starting work in a few weeks and then another chapter will begin. Wine order being delivered today - don't ask. The thing is, living in London means that you can only carry two bags of shopping at one time and that means, no wine! So I have placed an order of 12 mixed bottles and it is coming today - yay! However, I am not missing having a car. I walk a great deal and I have had to adapt my life accordingly. But I love it. And I really cannot imagine (at the moment) living anywhere else.
So the exciting (sad) highlight of today has been watching a video on how to fold a fitted king size sheet ..... I mean, really? I really hope that this is not an omen for the rest of the weekend. This afternoon Andy and I went to the IMAX at Waterloo to see Jurassic World. Another new experience since coming to London which have included Lebanese food, visit to a Gin Bar and meeting a guy who had his own restaurant in Phnom Phen. So the film basically was dinosaurs on the rampage. However, the woman in it failed initially to get her perfectly white outfit dirty and had the ability to run round throughout the film in high heels even though she was running for her life from dinosaurs. I mean, really! I can't even walk in heels let alone run in the damn things. Anyway, the IMAX was massive and it was in 3D which I eventually got used too and it was a lovely afternoon.
Arrived back at the flat and the shipment of wine has arrived - yay! 12 bottles of lovely nectar. Andy has cooked macaroni cheese for dinner and we are just sitting in the lounge; me typing this and him playing on his phone. We are listening to Alanis Morissette as I need to think and this is significant as the theme this week is music. We have just listened to Ironic and one of the lines in that song is ...... 'It's like meeting the man of my dreams and then meeting his beautiful wife'. However, Andy has changed it for me and started to sing 'it's like meeting the man of my dreams and then fucking him off because he was nice' ....... he knows me so well. Dilemmas, dilemmas but I will figure it out; I will put on my red shoes and dance the blues.
Well that is another week over and hey the girl survived ...... thanks Alanis - wow that women is angry. Enjoy your weekend guys, don't do anything I wouldn't do ........
As always, with much love x
PS as it was a music them this week I have posted my lovely Sam singing ........ enjoy!
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