Friday, 27 November 2015

The past is knowledge, the present our mistake. And the future we always leave too late (My Ever Changing Moods - The Style Council)

Not the best nights sleep; but not the worse either.  I am reflecting on the words of another this morning.  This person does not really know me at all, yet they have just summed me up a treat.  They do not know my 'story', there is no need for them to know, yet it as if they do know. It got me thinking about when we meet someone who enters your life, and this can be through work, through another friend or a complete stranger, yet they just make a connection.  I have mentioned before, this happened with my
friend Daniel who I met in Bangkok, again this year in Siem Reap.  We meet up and connect as if we have never been apart.  A strong bond.  This person, who I will quote in a minute, I hardly know.  Yet, after reading a text from them yesterday evening, I now feel that there is a connection. Something they see in me that I thought I could hide  For those of you who REALLY know me, have a read and let me know what you think.  This person wrote:  'You need to be as kind to yourself a you are to others'.

Monday:  Mondays are not the best day in my 9-5 life.  Tonight I actually left at 16:45 ..... a miracle.  I had nothing to rush home for, but home I went.  I could feel the relief as I walked in the door.  This time of the year I could just run away. Don't get me wrong, I love London.  I love living here  But this time of the year I could just run away ....... not sure where.  I cooked us a lovely (even if I say so myself) Thai vegetable curry and rice.  It was a dry run before I cook it again when I have Sarah coming over for dinner.  So it was a good excuse to try it.  And it was rather lovely.

Tuesday:  Awake at 5.00am!  That was it.  Snuggled in bed watching London Spy on my TV.  Really enjoying this.  It is a BBC drama with the lovely
Ben Wilshaw in it, who I have to say caught my eye in Skyfall as the new geeky Q. Needless to say, he is married. To a man. Next.

9.00-5.00 (well normally 6.00) life over and done with for another day and back home.  Thai green (ish) curry prepared for dinner tomorrow and my dinner for tonight in the oven and it is time to breathe and kick-back.  I have a late start tomorrow as I am out of the office all day, so that will make a change and will make Thursday come round quicker. Nothing really excited happened today. Someone told me, quite rightly, on Sunday that exciting things happen all the time and I guess they are right.  We need to just open our eyes and see them.  Finished off the day ironing men's shirts!  Yes I have been ironing shirts.  Remember my saying ..... I am not sure what I want but I do not want to be ironing shirts or walking around Sainsbury's.  Yet tonight I ironed four shirts, four jumpers and three pairs of trousers.   It was my good deed for Andy as he is away, with work, for a few days.  It is OK as he does realise what a big thing for me this is.  Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

Wednesday: Waking up in London still gives me a thrill.  If it is really early I can still hear the birds singing.  However, that is soon taken over by the noise of the City slowly coming to life.  There is always a constant stream of noise coming from the other side of my bedroom window throughout the night.  At first, it took me a while to get used to it.  I mean, I had come from a small, sleepy village in the Staffordshire Moorlands to the hustle and bustle of Central London.  Yet, strangely, I get comfort from the noise;  it makes me feel alive. 

I was not in the office at all today, in fact I travelled from one end of South London to the other.  Not the travelling I would like to be doing but beggars
choosers and all that.   Making my way to London Bridge station to get a train I come across this little garden.  It was just in the street, at the side of the pavement.   I think they are pushing it a bit calling it a 'fresh air space' but that aside, it did make me smile and thought it was a rather good idea.

Back home after an interesting and different day, but an enjoyable one, it was leggings on and dinner in the oven and time to sit and relax before my guest arrives.  I did have to smile today.  I am like the United Nations.  One of the main reasons I come to London was to meet like minded, forward thinking, interesting people; particularly people from different countries. Today I have heard from, and have arranged to meet for drinks with my Italian friend who I have not seen since the summer.  All being well, we shall meet next Thursday in Soho.  I am intending to go to Trafalgar Square on Thursday next week to see the Christmas Tree lights being switched on.  So hopefully meet him afterwards for drinks.  PPLP my little French friend is happy as he has now launched his company and is happily employed.  We are to meet up soon to celebrate.  My friend who I meet on a previous Meet Up has just texted (she is from Asian descent) and she wants to meet up next week, but it looks now as if it will be the week after. All I need is the South African back and I will have a full set. But hey that is why I am here; just trying to make a go of it.

I had a lovely evening with my friend Sarah. She is off on her travels next week so tonight she come over to the flat and I cooked a Thai green curry.  We had a lovely evening chatting about life and stuff.  I will miss her.  But she needs to fill her life up, living her dreams and hopefully, soon, she will be off to South America to have her own little adventure.  I did say to her, you never know I might just pack up and join you.

Strange end to the evening.  You can tell it is a full moon.  Received a phone call whilst Sarah was there and subsequently another call later on.  Very odd. But apparently guess what, I am a strong, independent women.  No way Sherlock.  It is funny when someone who does not even know you, or your journey can give you their opinion of you.  I make no apologises of who I am. Why should I. Life has shaped me this way.

Thursday:   My fringe is really getting on my nerves.  I am trying to grow it. Well I have no choice.  I cannot afford to keep getting it cut in London. It would cost about £8 a time!  So I am growing it. But it keeps getting in my eyes.  Today I pulled it back and put it in a clip.  I was not sure.  I look so much like my Mother and that, for so many reasons, is not a good thing. But when I look at my eyes I see my dear old Dad.  I went to work like it.  Three people actually said oh your hair looks lovely.  And guess what?  I did not have a headache all day.  I will be buying some decorative clips and this will be my new style until my fringe grows a bit longer.

I called in Boots this evening to put in a repeat prescription and the guy said that he remembered me from last time I went in as I was the woman who loves to travel.  How cool is that.  I told him my name; I did not have to spell it, he knew it.  I guess once seen never forgot.  I told him I was impressed, very impressed.

Back at the flat.  I was due to go to the pub this evening on a Meet Up but I have been a bit off all day so thought stuff it.  Andy is still away; I am home alone.  So tonight I am just resting up in my room.  I call it my Stockholm Syndrome moment.  I spent so many months just sitting in my room every night back in my past life, I am used to it.  Also, when I was a child and got sent to my room (on so many occasions) I quite liked it.  I guess I am a creature of habit.  So tonight I am home alone and in my room, just my music and book and it is all good.  Oh and yes, I am going to be the Twitter Co-ordinator for the workplace. Me!  I don't do bad do I for an old girl ....... who is 29!

Friday:  9.00-5.00 come and went and I went out after work with colleagues - I am pleased I went, I learnt a great deal about many things - I will not be going out after work again. Back to my lovely flat and time to kick back.  Another week over. The time is flying by. It has been a strange week in many ways; but as that person said I need to be kind to me and I have tried.  It has not, at times been easy.  I have and will continue to learn a great deal - but it says a lot more about other people than it necessarily does about me.  I will not let the behaviour of others impact on my inner peace - only one person has the authority and privilege to do that.  So here is the weekend and all the fun and frolics it will hopefully bring.

As always, with my love x

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